With the holiday season fast approaching and the cold weather coming in, more and more people will probably be feeling “under the weather” in the coming weeks. Getting older as well as the cold weather can weaken the immune system and gathering with more people can heighten the risk of getting sick, especially with COVID-19 still being prevalent and flu season approaching. There are ways you can try to protect yourself while still being able to see your family and friends during the holidays.
One of the easiest ways to stay healthy and prevent the spread of disease is to limit the amount of people you see. If this is not possible, you may want to wear a mask and encourage those around you to do the same. Be sure to wash your hands regularly and social distance when possible. You should also disinfect surfaces before guests arrive and after they leave. Especially after being in a large group, make sure you track any symptoms you may have and contact your doctor if they persist. (Source: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/prevention.html)
Another way to stay healthy is to make sure you have a strong immune system. You should keep your house warm and wear layers when outside. Cold weather can negatively affect your health and weaken your immune system. To learn more about this, read our blog post about how cold weather affects your health. (https://www.reascharlton.org/senior-health-and-cold-weather/) If you cannot afford heat and are a senior living in Charlton, Massachusetts, you may be able to get assistance from REAS (Residential Energy Assistance for Seniors) Charlton. For more information visit https://www.reascharlton.org/.
By being safe and cautious while around others and keeping your immune system strong, you can stay healthy this winter and holiday season. Have happy and healthy holidays!
Written by Rileigh Zacek