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Getting Healthy and Staying Healthy

The holiday season is coming to an end, and while many people enjoyed their time gathered with their families, the increased exposure to people can lead to more sickness. In today’s times, being or feeling sick can be scary and stressful, especially with COVID-19 numbers on a rise. Worcester county alone has an average of

Holidays on a Budget   

Christmas and other holiday gifts are something on everyone’s minds this time of year, especially if money is tight and getting to a store is difficult. While you might want to get gifts for your children, grandchildren, other family and friends, it might not be feasible to buy dozens of presents. However, there are ways

Staying Healthy During the Holidays

With the holiday season fast approaching and the cold weather coming in, more and more people will probably be feeling “under the weather” in the coming weeks. Getting older as well as the cold weather can weaken the immune system and gathering with more people can heighten the risk of getting sick, especially with COVID-19

Senior Financials

  Financial problems are one of the most crucial issues that face seniors today. Traditional saving methods that seniors now might have partaken in throughout their life most likely don’t add up to what they need today when inflation is taken into account. This financial situation may also be because of expensive health problems or

Senior Health and Cold Weather

Did you know that as you get older, your ability to tell when the temperature changes decreases? This can be especially dangerous because health problems caused by cold weather are more common in older people. Cold temperatures can put your immune system and heart at risk. With colder temperatures approaching, it is important to begin

Have You Heard Of The Energy Assistance Program?

Did you know that approximately 31 percent of households in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts have difficulties paying their energy bills last year? That includes keeping their homes warm and or cool. The numbers increase for senior citizens due to the fact that a great deal of our seniors is living solely off of their social

We Should Celebrate The Senior Citizens In Our Community

Senior citizens are an incredibly important segment of society. However, a great deal of seniors is completely overlooked due to their age, and that is an absolute shame. Seniors contribute in many ways. Much like any other adult they help keep the economy going by spending money on products and services. They also pay taxes

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